15. april 2007, Kelvan
15. april 2007, Kelvan
13. april 2007, Kelvan


Še nekaj dni in znani bodo vsi polfinalisti letošnjega izbora Support your local DJ. Polfinalna izbora bosta 20.4. v Africi v Trebnjem ter 26.4. v SImfoniji v Planini. Kot je že v navadi, bodo dogodke popestrili tudi znani in uveljavljeni gosti, kot so Peter B., DJ Gumja, Spinne, Mark Slider in seveda ikona MC Flasher.
Ne zamudite!
12. april 2007, Kelvan

Viper XXL

ViperXXL was born in 1981 in Mainz/Germany near Frankfurt am Main. His first contact with electronic Music was at the age of 14 when his brother was listening to Hardcore Music which was very famous at that time. With age of 15 he started to make Music on his own,first melodic trance then progressive trance. With age of 17 Viper visited a famous techno Club in Germany, the U6311 where people...
11. april 2007, Technobase

DJ Bold

Discovered in a restaurant in Berlin, after traveling the world, and serving a long time captive in his remote isolated hometown in Australia. Dj BOLD has finally been reborn and presented to the people. Dj bold, a heavy structured name. Thanks to his long time friend and ally at the buffet, dj RUSH, he was brought into the kne' deep shelters. First in 25 with the release of “High Tech...
11. april 2007, Technobase

Jay Denham

As a third wave musician with a long musical background, its safe to say that Jay Denham has been around the block a few times. At fifteen, he picked up his first instrument, a bass guitar, and by the time he was seventeen was playing in a rock band for friends at parties. He developed a taste for punk and what Americans refer to as "new wave", moving on to the funk of Parliament, Cameo and The...
11. april 2007, Technobase
9. april 2007, Kelvan
9. april 2007, Kelvan

MAURO PICOTTO (Bakerloo Music, Alchemy)

Mauro Picotto se je rodil v malem italijanskem mestecu blizu Torina.
Že od mladih nog si je močno želel postati producent, vendar pa je bil mnenja, da mora najprej biti dj in se naučiti kaj je tisto, kar ploščo naredi poslušljivo za publiko v klubu. Po zmagi na državnem natečaju za DMC dje je po naključju spoznal Daniela Davolija, ki je takrat uspešno promoviral svoj projekt...
8. april 2007, Tekknopolis
5. april 2007, Kelvan