Before my day
Tracklist!! 1. Code Icarus - Electronic Prophecy 2. theFrog - 7 days(promo) 3. Cor Fijneman - knight of the jaguar (Cor Fijneman rmx long) 4. F-Reaky goes to Hollywood - Relax after race (Reaky bootleg) 5. Reaky - What A Clusterfuck (Daisychain remix) 6. Wyrus and Matija Marinic - Spanish bitch (Original mix) 7. Groove Korp - Running Boy (Rantan remix) 8. Groove Korp - Utopias ...
Fun Times Radio Show (16.7.10)
Here is a fresh set for the summer, enjoy ;) Nevermind the pronounciation of my artist name, it's wrong =D It should be (GEMUT) ;) Tracklist: 1. Luky R.D.U.-Bad Boy (InterTech Records) 2. CrazyTeck-Fission; Alen Milivojevič remix (InterTech Records) 3. Gamut-Puer Aeternus (Starstraxx Records promo) 4. Gary McGuire-True Colors; Reaky remix (Discover Dark Records) 5. Gamut-Bring It...
Moj prvi blog ali Kdaj mi je pa to uspelo?!
Zjutraj sem se zbudila v mračno, oblačno jutro in z mislijo, da nimam nobene ideje, kaj bi napisala v svojem prvem blogu. Določena aktualna tema, ki bo nadlegovala naše nabiralnike, nas nagovarjala po televiziji in še marsikaj drugega, mi je bila prepovedana in ravno ta me je najbolj vabila. Sicer o njej nimam pojma, ampak, če se hoče, se vse podatke lahko dobi na internetu ali pa greš do...
Chris Finke & Mark Broom Present "15 Years Of Atomic Jam" Mix CD
I am pleased to announce that to celebrate 15 years of the UKs biggest and best loved techno party, myself and Mark Broom will be putting together our first offical mix CD for release after Christmas 2010. This will be a mix up of past, present and future tracks which have made Atomic Jam so special to so many people, along with exclusive pictures and memories from the last 15 years. We are...
7. Žur z razlogom
Že drugi zaporedni Žur z razlogom, ki ga je skazilo vreme. Če gre v tretje res rado, bi moralo biti drugo leto spet lepo (ali pa toča, morda celo sneg ali pa potres? :)).