Back in the days at the age of three Felix Kroecher discovered his love for vinyl – playing frisbee with black and coloured discs. But soon his attitude changed, instead of throwing records through the room Felix trough them directly on his turntables to make people dance. Since then Felix Kroecher was completely addicted to dance music and over the years it became his biggest love!

But soon Felix Kroecher made one of the fastest careers in the music industry ever. He entered the business in 2

1 as trainee at Germany´s hottest radio station Sunshine Live. His talent soon was discovered and within the next two years Felix Kroecher became one of the most demanded DJs and producers. The ranking in last year´s Raveline magazine proves his popularity: Best radio show: #2, Best DJ national #7, Newcomer #4 – knocking out a lot of star-DJs. Without any doubt Felix Kroecher has build up a strong and frenetic fanbase that loves him for his banging Hardtechno sets in a little while. On CD 1 we start off with Felix Kroecher´s outstanding vinyl album – in the mix exclusively! Everybody who was lucky enough to enjoy one of Felix Kroecher´s notorious sets knows what to expect: pure excess on the floor! One massive killer tracks follows the other. This is Felix Kroecher at his best – firing one bomb after another. He is showing his skills every weekend all over the world on major events such as Nature One. So it was a point of honour for us to give you a very special video-present: Felix Kroecher live @ Nature One! This gives you the chance to watch the practising maniac at work behind his decks! Normally this should be enough to make you mad, but Felix knows his fans well enough to have even more in petto for them: So he is throwing the start lever to full throttle – ignition and we are already on our space flight with the speed of light through the universe of Hardtechno. Felix welcomes top-acts such as DJ Rush, Robert Natus, Kanzler vs. Kvitta, Unknown Forces, Jason Little, Boris S. & Miss JK, Matt M. Maddox, Felix Kroecher, Killswitch & Reset or Torsten Kanzler & Sven Wittekind. These artists are a guarantee for hardcore partying per se but in Felix Kroecher´s energetic mix they explode downright! From the very first second on this CD is giving you the ultimate kick – Felix is spinning one burner after another, exactly the way he does every weekend, takin the floors around the globe by storm. If you want to have a compilation that makes no compromise, a compilation that gives you the unique live flavour of a banging Hardtechno set then Felix Kroecher is definitely the right choice for you! So, ladies and gentlemen, there´s no excuse: shake your ass & dance!!!

Avtor: Sunshine live
