Zaključna Tehnorija sezone samo na vinilkah!

Za zaključek sezone vam na 10 Tehnoriji ponujamo event na katerem se bodo sukale samo vinylke in to na obeh floorih. Da bo bolj pestro smo povabili gosta iz Srbije in pa starega mačka dj Psiha! Event bo popestren z predstavitvijo RAVE kulture oblačenja, ko je še prevladoval vinyl, za kar bo poskrbela Katy Brown, bomo pa zopet poskrbeli za vizualizacije i.n UV efekte.

Hristijan Stojanovski aka Hristian Stojanowski was born for Easter in the late eighties and lives in Nis.

From earlyer years Nis is one of the centers of electronic music and in this city were playing the most known names of techno scene, so getting inspiration and from early days showing signs for underground music and from theese days starts listening Prodigy, Jeff Mills, Ade Fenton, Adam Beyer and many more who were influencing his music.

In the beginning was mostly about London pure techno sound but later goes on funky/ tribal / hardgroove techno what he is doing now-days too. With 16 years seriously starting with music production and that same year buying his first turntables. The techniques of mixing he was learning alone and in local music stores.

He was doing very well at his first acts so fastly after that getting offers from all the places around (Macedonia, Croatia, Romania, Slovenia and Serbian cities like Beograd, Vrnjacka Banja, Nis, Soko Banja, Subotica, Leskovac, Pozarevac, etc.) In 2008 starts releasing on labels his music so started to come offers from all around the world. In the beginning of year 2009 get established "Disturbulence Records" with his friend Christian Peak and starts with serious work with big names.

He has shared decks with names such as: Boriqua Tribez, Cave, Mladen Tomic, Petar Dundov, Veztax, DJ Misjah, Paul Hazendonk, Dejan Milicevic, Kobaya and many more...

Keeping his set only on turntables and showing pleasure in mixing, getting the public to complete satisfaction. Based on techno music with tribal & funk elements, sometimes in smaller clubs can be heard his minimal techno & tech house sets.

His tracks were played by artists such as: Dj Murphy, Eddie Halliwell, Veztax, Darkrow, Pedro Delgardo, Fer BR, Peppelino, Prude Polly and many more...

Avtor: Tehnorija


Zadnja sprememba: 3.5.2011 ob 12:03