

Oblikovalski natečaj za ovitek plošče na novi Umekovi založbi 1605 – SIXTEENOFIVE

Ta natečaj je prav poseben, saj bo vaš izdelek videl cel svet elektronske glasbe. Iščemo nov, drzen, svež dizajn za ovitek ene od izdaj nove Umekove založbe 1605 – SIXTEENOFIVE. Vaše zamisli in kreacije pošljite na s pripisom za 1605, do 1.7.2007.
Do 7.7.2007 bomo opravili predizbor, zmagovalca pa bomo z vašo pomočjo izbrali in razglasili na festivalu...
7. maj 2007, Partysan Slovenia

Partysan natečaj - Ustvari svoj Partysan T-shirt

Dragi Partysanovci, vabimo vas, da sodelujete pri prvem Partysan natečaju. Dajemo vam možnost, da s svojimi idejami in kreacijami oblikujete prvo kolekcijo Partysan majic. Pri oblikovanju imate popolnoma proste roke, prav tako pa ni določeno število, koliko vaših zamisli bomo izbrali. Če se nam bodo zdele vaše ideje izvirne in primerne, bodo s časom lahko vse vaše kreacije prišle na...
7. maj 2007, Partysan Slovenia


The German guru of advanced electronica has won our harts and souls with the last year’s mega hit single Full Range Madness. His releases on Border Community, Cocoon, Great Stuff and other influential labels are the must-have for every decent house, trance and techno deejay. Check it out at It's fun and it's for free - it's TrickyDisco!
7. maj 2007, Tricky


Konec maja, tokrat v soboto, 26. 5., Klub študentov občine Piran [KŠOP] tradicionalno že sedmič zapored prireja Dan mladosti. Brezplačni celodnevni dogodek s pestrim kulturnim, zabavnim in športnim programom bo letos ponovno potekal v čudovitem ambientu na divji plaži na rtu Seča poleg avtokampa Lucija.
Dogodek bo potekal ves dan in bo razdeljen na kulturni in športni program....
7. maj 2007, Xena


Around three years ago, NUKLEON PRODUCTIONS started with its events in the DOMIMBERG and presented in this time constantly international top acts, as well as many promising national and international new generation artists. This and the good resonance from the technoscene in Graz are reason enough, that NUKLEON PRODUCTIONS in co-operation with KNEDEEP, proudly presents a special anniversary...
5. maj 2007, Nukleon


Cosmic Gate are Claus Terhoeven aka Nic Chagall and Stefan Bossems aka DJ Bossi. And if the names don't ring the bell this pair of producers from Germany are top trance name for more than a decade. Cosmic Gate was one of the key projects in defining so called Viva-trance (named after German based equivalent of MTV), with the string of hit singles The Drums, Back To Earth, Exploration of Space,...
28. april 2007, Tricky


Začel je z vrtenjem house glasbe. Ritem pa mu je dodajal neapeljski pogled na elektronsko glasbo, ki je veljal za tršega in daleč stran od bolj komercialnih, progresivnih in trance stilov, in prav dobrega za izgradnjo svoje techno utrdbe.. Z rednim vrtenjem se je kmalu znašel v klubih kot so »La Boccaria« pred 2 do 3 tisočimi obiskovalci, kot tudi na različnih svetovnih klubskih...
25. april 2007, Xena


The most successful Italian techno deejay of all times - his fans still like to call him The King of lizards by the trilogy Lizard - Iguana – Komodo produced in the late 90s – is also the first Italian deejay to create worldwide known series of events. He's hitting the Ibiza again this Summer with the Maganight residency at The Privilege, his new album Now & Then is being released in next few...
24. april 2007, TrickyDisco

Največja agencija za party-je

»Že na svoji prvi turneji po Evropi, sem resnično začutil, kako dejansko izgledajo pravi party-ji,« je v enem svojih intervjujev dejal zagotovo najprodornejši slovenski DJ mlajše generacije. Ker smo doma v naši ljubeznivi majhni deželi, smo včasih kljub vsemu prikrajšani za marsikateri žur in edino kar nam preostane je, da smo stalno na preži za najboljšimi party-ji v karseda...
19. april 2007, Xena


Še nekaj dni in znani bodo vsi polfinalisti letošnjega izbora Support your local DJ. Polfinalna izbora bosta 20.4. v Africi v Trebnjem ter 26.4. v SImfoniji v Planini. Kot je že v navadi, bodo dogodke popestrili tudi znani in uveljavljeni gosti, kot so Peter B., DJ Gumja, Spinne, Mark Slider in seveda ikona MC Flasher.
Ne zamudite!
12. april 2007, Kelvan

Viper XXL

ViperXXL was born in 1981 in Mainz/Germany near Frankfurt am Main. His first contact with electronic Music was at the age of 14 when his brother was listening to Hardcore Music which was very famous at that time. With age of 15 he started to make Music on his own,first melodic trance then progressive trance. With age of 17 Viper visited a famous techno Club in Germany, the U6311 where people...
11. april 2007, Technobase

DJ Bold

Discovered in a restaurant in Berlin, after traveling the world, and serving a long time captive in his remote isolated hometown in Australia. Dj BOLD has finally been reborn and presented to the people. Dj bold, a heavy structured name. Thanks to his long time friend and ally at the buffet, dj RUSH, he was brought into the kne' deep shelters. First in 25 with the release of “High Tech...
11. april 2007, Technobase